Mario Orospe Hernández
A Fulbright scholar from Mexico City, Mario Orospe Hernández is a doctoral candidate in Religious Studies at Arizona State University. He holds a BA in Political Science and an MPhil in Philosophy from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), where he specialized in political philosophy and liberation theology. At ASU, he collaborated as a research assistant in the multi-year research project “Beyond Secularization: Religion, Science, and Technology in Public Life.”
He is interested in understanding the intersection of religion, technology, and extractivism. Thus, his dissertation examines the impact of imaginaries and rituals on the regimes of value, materiality, and labor in two poles of the tech-industry commodity chains: lithium mining in Bolivia and product design in Silicon Valley.
Hernández’s first book, “Biopolítica y Liberación: la noción de vida humana en Agamben y Dussel”, was published by the Argentine Publisher Prometeo in 2023. His work has also been featured in academic publications like the Political Theology Network and public-facing media platforms like The Conversation.