Terra Schwerin Rowe
Terra Schwerin Rowe is an associate professor in the Philosophy and Religion Department at the University of North Texas. She received a PhD in Theological and Philosophical Studies from Drew University and is the author of Toward a ‘Better Worldliness’: Ecology, Economy, and the Protestant Tradition (2017, Fortress Press), Of Modern Extraction: Experiments in Critical Petro-theology and co-editor of Liberating People, Planet, and Religion: Intersections of Ecology, Economics and Christianity (2024, Rowman & Littlefield).
Her current research focuses on imaginaries of matter/energy as they vitalize or obstruct racial capitalist extractivism. She is founding co-chair of the AAR seminar on Energy, Extraction, and Religion; on the steering committee of the academy’s Religion and Ecology unit; and a member of the Petrocultures Research Group. Other recent publications include essays on oil, matter, and vitalisms: “The Matter of Oil: Extraction Vitalisms and Enchantment” (in Religion, Materialism and Ecology) and “Oily Animations: On Protestantism and Petroleum” (in Earthly Things: Immanent Religiosities, New Materialisms, and Planetary Thinking).
Featured Work: Of Modern Extraction: Experiments in Critical Petro-theology.
Upcoming Projects: Co-editor to special issue of Religions in Religions in Extractive Zones, forthcoming 2025.