Social Science Research Council Research AMP Mediawell

Terra Schwerin Rowe

Associate Professor, University of North Texas

Terra Schwerin Rowe is an associate professor in the Philosophy and Religion Department at the University of North Texas. She received a PhD in Theological and Philosophical Studies from Drew University and is the author of Toward a ‘Better Worldliness’: Ecology, Economy, and the Protestant Tradition (2017, Fortress Press), Of Modern Extraction: Experiments in Critical Petro-theology and co-editor of Liberating People, Planet, and Religion: Intersections of Ecology, Economics and Christianity (2024, Rowman & Littlefield). 

Her current research focuses on imaginaries of matter/energy as they vitalize or obstruct racial capitalist extractivism. She is founding co-chair of the AAR seminar on Energy, Extraction, and Religion; on the steering committee of the academy’s Religion and Ecology unit; and a member of the Petrocultures Research Group. Other recent publications include essays on oil, matter, and vitalisms: “The Matter of Oil: Extraction Vitalisms and Enchantment” (in Religion, Materialism and Ecology) and “Oily Animations: On Protestantism and Petroleum” (in Earthly Things: Immanent Religiosities, New Materialisms, and Planetary Thinking).

Featured Work: Of Modern Extraction: Experiments in Critical Petro-theology.

Upcoming Projects: Co-editor to special issue of Religions in Religions in Extractive Zones, forthcoming 2025.