In a period of rapid social change, political polarization, and emerging threats to democracy worldwide, scholars are rightly turning their attention to democratic renewal. What sustains people as they work on the project of living together in increasingly diverse and pluralistic societies? Last year, the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) brought together a cohort of…
In June 2018, I entered the headquarters of an Islamic bank, nestled among Istanbul’s skyscrapers, ready to discover the world of global Islamic finance. Besides chasing my own doubts (what could be Islamic about banking anyway?), I was motivated by what I considered a feminist agenda to conduct research on Muslim men and their invisible…
In this article, we provide an overview of “The Art of Knowing” project, a pedagogical intervention and research project that utilizes Indigenous Muslim storywork as a foundation for an extracurricular elementary school science curriculum. Through our educational experiment [1], we intentionally designed a learning space that placed Muslim ways of knowing and learning at the…