Social Science Research Council Research AMP Mediawell

Project Type: Report

  • Expanding the field of religion and international affairs After 9/11 and the advent of the so-called “war on terror” in the early 2000s, researchers began taking a closer look at the relationship between religion and foreign policy. These historic developments prompted many to examine the growing role of religious nationalism in global affairs, exposing the…

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  • A paper on colonial histories and today’s foreign policy debates According to mainstream historians, the era of colonialism is over. Today, former colonizing powers—including the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, France, Spain, Portugal and Germany—all pay lip service to the self-determination of their former subjects. And yet, as Joram Tarusarira points out, new rhetoric…

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  • Analyses and recommendations from the TPNRD The Transatlantic Policy Network on Religion and Diplomacy (TPNRD) was born out of a series of dialogues organized through the Bridging Voices program. One TPNRD mission is to bring together diplomats from participating governments who share concern for, expertise on, and interest in integrating the worlds of foreign policy…

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  • Can Religion Be Quantified?

    A report on the tension between religious faith and faith in numbers Religious freedom and religious identification are two major areas that help us understand the role of religion in human life. A wide array of organizations, academic institutions, and governmental entities rely on major polling centers to make sense of religious trends. However, can…

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  • Conflicts addressed by religious arbiters The Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding recognizes individuals for their local efforts for peace in their communities of origin and also facilitates new interventions on the ground by network members. Building Peace in Nigeria: In 2010, five members of the Peacemakers in Action Network traveled to Nigeria to contribute to…

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  • A report by the Task Force on Religion and US Foreign Policy In 2008, the Chicago Council on Global Affair’s Task Force on Religion and the Making of US Foreign Policy was formed to “advance understanding of the role of religion in world affairs and to develop a framework to appropriately integrate religion into U.S.…

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  • Peter Mandaville’s report charts the efforts of civil society leaders to protect democracy amid antidemocratic forces. If freedom is a constant struggle throughout the world, the Middle East and North Africa are major theaters of that struggle. How do people fight for their human and civil rights amid repressive governments and interventionist forces that manipulate…

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  • Who Speaks for Islam?

    A report on religious authority and political power in the Islamic world Historically, political actors of many kinds have sought to define Islam for their own purposes: from colonizers seeking control over the resources of the Middle East to homegrown opportunists who aspire to regional dominance. In recent years, religious actors too have wielded notable…

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  • A Study of Refugee Resettlement in Italy Narrating Authentic Refugee Experiences What does it mean to accompany someone? Is “integration” always the correct word? What is “culture clash?” Can a person cause harm even when they act in good faith? What is the proper amount of distance to keep while welcoming another?  —Analysis/Conclusions, Human Lines,…

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